JUMP TOAPI - Getting StartedGetting Started - Sandfly APISandfly APINotificationsGet all email alertsgetAdd email entrypostTest email entrypostDelete email entrydeleteGet email entrygetUpdate email entryputGet all syslog entriesgetAdd syslog entrypostDelete syslog entrydeleteGet syslog entrygetUpdate syslog entryputAudit LogDelete audit logdeleteGet audit loggetUsersGet current usergetGet all usersgetUpdate user passwordputDelete userdeleteGet usergetAdd userpostUpdate userputAuthenticationGet authentication tokenpostRefresh authentication tokenpostLog out user and revoke tokendeleteGet SSO statusgetServer ConfigurationGet all server configurationsgetUpdate server configurationsputCredentialsDelete credentials in bulkdeleteGet all credentialsgetDelete remote system login encrypted recorddeleteGet encrypted credentialsgetAdd remote system login credentialspostUpdate remote system login credentialsputScanDelete all scan errorsdeleteGet scan error loggetScan remote hostspostScan remote hosts - ad hocpostHostsDelete hosts in bulkdeleteGet all hostsgetAdd hostspostRetry inactive hostspostBulk tag hostsputDelete hostdeleteGet hostgetUpdate hostputGet host rollupgetHost Results InfoHost kernel modules listgetHost lastlog entry listgetHost network listeners listgetHost logged in usersgetHost process listgetHost scheduled tasks listgetHost systemd service listgetHost user listgetJumpHostsDelete jump hosts in bulkdeleteGet all jump hostsgetDelete jump hostdeleteGet jump hostgetAdd jump hostpostUpdate jump hostputLicenseDelete licensedeleteAdd license entrypostUpdate license entryputRefresh license entitlementpostReportsHost snapshot reportgetScan performance reportgetResultsDelete resultsdeleteGet resultspostResult timelinepostDelete all resultsdeleteDelete resultdeleteGet resultgetDelete sandfly results for hostpostDelete host results for sandflypostGet host result summarygetGet sandfly result summarygetResult ProfilesGet result profilesgetCreate new result profilepostGet a result profilegetUpdate result profileputDelete a result profiledeleteAppend results to result profilepostGet result profiles for hostgetExport result profilespostImport result profilespostDelete result profilespostSandfliesGet all registered sandfliesgetAdd custom sandflypostUpdate custom sandflyputActivate sandflies in bulkputBackup all custom sandfliesgetDeactivate sandflies in bulkputDelete custom sandfliesdeleteDelete custom sandflydeleteGet sandflygetActivate sandflyputDeactivate sandflyputReload all sandflies to defaultpostUpdate system sandfly response optionsputSavedViewsDelete custom viewdeleteScheduleDelete schedules in bulkdeleteGet all schedulesgetAdd a scan schedulepostRun scheduled scan nowpostDeactivate schedulesputActivate schedulesputDeactivate scheduleputActivate scheduleputDelete scheduledeleteGet schedulegetUpdate scheduled scanputSSH HunterGet SSH Hunter graph nodesgetGet hosts with SSH public keysgetGet SSH public key details for a hostgetAdd SSH keyspostGet SSH public key detailsgetBulk tag SSH keysputTag SSH keyputGet SSH keys host tagspostGet hosts+tags for SSH keyspostGet keys+tags for hostspostGet SSH public keysgetGet users with SSH public keysgetGet SSH public key details for a usergetSSH ZonesGet SSH security zonesgetCreate SSH security zonepostGet an SSH security zonegetUpdate SSH security zoneputDelete SSH security zonedeleteStatusGet system status statisticsgetGet node status statisticsgetGet system status by tags over timepostPurge task queuesdeleteGet active queue namesgetTagsGet all host tagsgetGet all sandfly tagsgetGet all SSH key tagsgetVersionGet versiongetWhitelistGet whitelist rulesgetAdd Whitelist RulepostGet whitelist rulegetUpdate whitelist ruleputDelete Whitelist RuledeleteActivate whitelist rules in bulkputDectivate whitelist rules in bulkputActivate whitelistputDeactivate whitelistputGet whitelists for hostgetDelete Whitelist RulespostGet all sandfly tagsget https://{sandfly-api-host}/v4/tags/sandfliesGets all of the sandfly tags in a unique list format.