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Directory Data

Directory data is like file data in that it provides all attributes of a directory flagged by Sandfly Security of a user for whatever reason. The attributes mostly mirror those of a file, but will not have cryptographic hashes and a few other file only attributes that do not apply to directories.

	"path": "",
	"path_root": "",
	"path_link": "",
	"true_path": "",
	"name": "",
	"extension": "",
	"date": {
		"created": "",
		"created_minutes": 0,
		"modified": "",
		"modified_minutes": 0,
		"accessed": "",
		"accessed_minutes": 0
	"inode": 0,
	"device": 0,
	"rdevice": 0,
	"nlink": 0,
	"count": 0,
	"count_mismatch": false,
	"mode": "",
	"uid": 0,
	"username": "",
	"gid": 0,
	"groupname": "",
	"size": 0,
	"selinux_context": "",
	"flags": {
		"link": false,
		"sticky": false,
		"hidden": false,
		"deleted": false,
		"containerized": false
	"mount": {
		"mountpoint": "",
		"device": "",
		"fs_type": ""
	"container": {
		"id": "",
		"id_short": "",
		"rootdir": ""