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Maintenance Scripts

Sandfly is largely self-maintaining. Outside of the expected installation and upgrade scripts, there are additional scripts provided in the package that can be of aid in certain situations. For example, resetting different configurations or clearing out large backlogs of events.

Install and Upgrade Scripts

These scripts are located in the setup directory and are used to install Docker or upgrade Docker images:

  • clean_docker.sh - Used to delete all existing Docker containers prior to an upgrade. Please see the section on Upgrading Sandfly for more information.
  • install.sh - Install Sandfly server script.
  • install_docker_amazon.sh - Install Docker on an Amazon AMI Linux Image.
  • install_docker_centos7.sh - Install Docker on a CentOS 7 system.
  • install_docker_debian.sh - Install Docker on a Debian system.
  • install_docker_ubuntu20.sh - Install Docker on Ubuntu 20 and higher system.

Sandfly Setup Scripts

These scripts are located in the setup_scripts directory and are used to install the Sandfly server and SSL keys:

  • load_images.sh - Used by install and start scripts to load images from the “offline” setup package.
  • setup_server.sh - Used to install the base Sandfly server without SSL key generation.
  • setup_ssl.sh - Setup the Sandfly SSL keys (unsigned).
  • setup_ssl_renew_cert.sh - Renew Certbot signed SSL keys. Optionally, you can just run setup_ssl_signed.sh again if you want a new signed key.
  • setup_ssl_signed.sh - Setup the Sandfly SSL keys (signed with EFF Certbot).
  • setup_ssl_signed_aio.sh - Setup the Sandfly SSL keys (signed with EFF Certbot) on a sandfly system that has previously been auto-configured, such as cloud marketplace single-server images.

System Utility Scripts

These scripts are located in the util_scripts directory and are used to aid in the management of the Sandfly system in various ways:

  • delete_sandfly_installation.sh - This script deletes EVERYTHING created and configured as part of an installation and subsequent use. This includes Sandfly configuration files, databases, any other unused Docker volumes on the host, etc. The sandfly-setup directory itself and the remaining files within it will not be affected. Use this script as an initial step to uninstall Sandfly or to make a clean environment for re-installation on the host.
  • reset_admin_password.sh - Reset the system admin password to a random value.
  • reset_db_data.sh - Deletes system alarm and log data, but preserves the configuration data. Useful if you have a large number of alarms you want to purge and start again without needing to reload all your other user data.
  • reset_ssh_hunter_data.sh - Deletes all of the SSH Hunter ssh key data from the Sandfly server.
  • reset_system_password.sh - Resets the system password used by nodes to log into the API. This is only needed if you feel the node password has been compromised and you wish to reset it to something new. Please contact Sandfly for assistance.

Sandfly Administration Scripts

These scripts are located in the start_scripts directory and are used to aid in the administration of the Sandfly application:

  • shutdown_sandfly.sh - Use when it is necessary to properly and completely shut down the Sandfly containers in the correct order to minimize problems and messages in error logs.