Side Bar

Sandfly Navigation Bar

The side bar provides the navigation for accessing the core abilities of Sandfly. Through it you will be able to access pages that add credentials or hosts, perform manual or automated scans for threats, view results, along with many other options.

Sandfly Side Bar

Sandfly Side Bar

Main Options

The main sections consist of the following options:

  • Dashboard - View the main Dashboard, which shows an operational overview.
  • Results - View all alerts, pass and error events, plus access to the Sandfly Hunter.
  • Hosts - View registered hosts, add hosts, add jump hosts and add host credentials.
  • SSH Hunter - A powerful tool to track SSH key usage across your Linux systems.
  • Reports - View reports that provide various views into important data produced by Sandfly.
  • Scanning - Initiate a manual scan of hosts, view the task queue, or see the log of scan errors.
  • Schedules - Automated security scan scheduler.
  • Notifications - View all configured notifications that are sent from events.
  • Jump Hosts - View all configured jump hosts used for connecting to scanned hosts.
  • Credentials - View all configured credentials used for connecting to scanned hosts.
  • Sandflies - View sandfly threat hunting modules or add your own custom sandfly modules.
  • Whitelists - View all hosts with sandfly modules that have been whitelisted.
  • Result Profiles - View all configured result profiles used for drift detection and whitelisting.
  • Settings - User and system settings, licensing, alert notifications, and server configurations.